A New Account of the Supernatural Life

A New Account of the Supernatural Life


Wednesday, 23 October, 11:00am – IRC Seminar – “A New Account of the Supernatural Life” – Main Lecture Room, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford


In this talk two accounts of the supernatural life will be outlined: those held by de Lubac and those held by the Neo-Thomists. The key challenges each face will be outlined and a new account proposed that builds on an 'I-Thou' relation with God. After formulating this account, Marta Bielinska will explore the ways in which it can appeal both to supporters of de Lubac, according to whom there exists only the supernatural end, and to those inclined to advocate for the state of pure nature, such as Neo-Thomists

MARTA BIELINSKA is a DPhil Candidate in Science and Religion at the University of Oxford.

This event is free and open to the public.