Wednesday, 17 October, 5:00pm – Patristic Seminar-SCIO-IRC Seminar – “How the Church Fathers Taught me to be a Filmmaker” – Wycliffe Hall, Lecture Room Oxford
The presentation is constructed around clips from some of the documentaries John O’Keefe has been involved in, especially his most recent film, The Last Prairie. He will explain how ancient Christian thought informed much of what he was trying to do and deeply impacted the story telling. Dr O’Keefe thinks of his film work as an effort to do theology visually
DR. JOHN J. O'KEEFE is the Director of the Brueggeman Center for Dialogue at Xavier University. Until recently he was at Creighton University, where he served for many years as a member of the Theology faculty and as chair of the department. He received his MTS from Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and his MA and Ph.D. in Early Christian Studies from The Catholic University of America. His academic research has focused on the history and theology of ancient Christianity, especially in the area of ancient Christian biblical interpretation. He is currently interested in ecological theology and efforts to put ancient wisdom in dialogue with the critical needs of the world. Authored work includes (with R.R. Reno) Sanctified Vision: An Introduction to Early Christian Interpretation (2005). O’Keefe is also a documentary filmmaker. He has produced and directed six films in collaboration with students as a part of the Backpack Journalism Project at Creighton University, and four independent documentaries. His most recent film, The Last Prairie, offers a portrait of the Sandhills grassland in western Nebraska, one of the last remaining prairie landscapes in the world.
This event is organised by The Theology and Religion Patristic Seminar, Scholarship & Christianity In Oxford, and the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion.