Stanley P. Rosenberg
Stan Rosenberg founded and directs Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford (SCIO), a partner of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He is an academic member of Wycliffe Hall and a member of the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford, teaching early Christian history and doctrine. His research and teaching interests focus on Augustine’s works, early Christian cosmology and its relationship to Greco–Roman science, culture and philosophy, and the interplay between intellectual and popular thought in this period. He is actively involved as participant and promoter of discussions on the relationship between science and religion. Recent research has led to articles on early Christianity and Greco-Roman science, and the intersection of preaching, popular religion, and the development of doctrine in late antiquity. Dr Rosenberg is the UK Regional Advisor for the Museum of the Bible Scholars Initiative and directs the Logos in Oxford project. Since 2002 he has directed and co-directed several science and religion projects in Oxford funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the Templeton Religion Trust, the BioLogos Foundation, and the Blankemeyer Foundation. He is on the advisory councils of the BioLogos Foundation and the Museum of the Bible, advising the latter on science and the Bible, and early Church history.
Academic Summary
- BA (Colorado State University),
- MA, PhD (Catholic University of America)
Research Interests
- St. Augustine
- Early Christian cosmology
- History of Religion and Science Dialogues
- Oral culture and Early Christian thought
- Early Christian Literature and Theology
- Historical Theology
- Late Antique History and Culture
- Late Antique Philosophy
- Historiography
- Executive Director, SCIO, (a partner of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford)
- Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford
- Finding ourselves after Darwin: conversations about the image of God, original sin, and the problem of evil. S. Rosenberg, General. Ed. with B. ven den Toren, M. Burdett, and M. Lloyd, Associate eds., (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, forthcoming 2018)
- “Can nature be red in tooth and claw in the thought of Augustine? A case study of the misappropriation of a major theologian”, in Finding ourselves after Darwin: conversations about the image of God, original sin, and the problem of evil, Gen. ed. S. Rosenberg. Associate eds., B. ven den Toren, M. Burdett, and M. Lloyd (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, forthcoming 2018), pp TBD
- “Not so alien and unnatural after all—the role of privation and deification in Augustine’s sermons”, in Visions of God and ideas of divinization in patristic thought, ed. M. Edwards and E. Draghici-Vasilescu (London: Routledge, 2016)
- “Nature and the Natural World in Ambrose’s Hexaemeron”, in M. Vinzent, ed. Studia Patristica, vol. 69, Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011, volume 17: Latin Writers; Nachleben, (Leuven: Peters, 2013), pp 15–24
- “Beside books: approaching Augustine’s sermons in the oral and textual cultures of Late Antiquity” in G. Partoens, A. Dupont, M. Lamberigts, eds., Ministerium Sermonis II: Tractatio Scripturarum, Philological, historical and theological studies on Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum, in Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia vol. 65 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), pp. 405–42
- “Forming the Saeculum: The desacralization of nature and the ability to understand it in Augustine’s Literal Commentary on Genesis”, in Studies in Church History vol. 46, ed. P. Clarke and T. Claydon (Ecclesiastical History Society, 2010), 1–14
- “Orality, Textuality and the Memory of the Congregation in Augustine’s Sermons.” in Studia Patristica XLIX. St Augustine and his Opponents, ed. J. Baun et al (Leuven: Peters, 2010) pp. 169–74.
- “Interpreting Atonement in Augustine’s Preaching,” in The Glory of the Atonement, ed. Charles E. Hill and Frank A. James III (Deerfield, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004) pp. 221–38