(Select papers in physics)
“Exact solution for the Casimir stress in a spherically symmetric
medium”, Leonhardt, U., Simpson, W. M. R., Phys. Rev. D, 2011.
“Divergence of the Casimir stress in inhomogeneous media”, Simpson,
W.M.R, Horsley, S.A.R, Leonhardt, U., Phys. Rev. A, 2013.
“Casimir forces at the cutting edge”, Simpson, W.M.R., Leonhardt, U.,
Decca, R., Buhmann, S.Y., in Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: an
introduction to Casimir Physics. World Scientific, 2015.
(Papers in theology)
“Knowing nature”, in Knowing Creation, Eds. A. B. Torrance, T. H.
McCall, Zondervan, 2017.
“The Significance of Andrew Perriman’s ‘Faith, Health and Prosperity’ in
the Word of Faith Debate” Simpson, W.M.R, in the Journal of Pentecostal
Theology, Vol 16(1) 64-96.