With generous support from the Issachar Fund
In collaboration with the Laudato Si' Research Institute, the Ian Ramsey Centre is pleased to announce a Public Workshop on new research initiatives on the theme of God and the Book of Nature. The workshop will be held in the Main Lecture Room, Faculty of Theology and Religion, Gibson Building, Oxford, starting 5pm on Wednesday 11 March.
This workshop will also help prepare for the 2021 IRC Summer Conference on Natural Theology in the 21st Century.
This workshop is free and open to the public; no registration is needed.
For enquires and further information, please contact:
Speakers and themes:
Megan Loumagne (Nottingham):
“Sexual Selection, Beauty, and a Theology of Nature.”
Fred Simmons (Boston):
“Protestant Theology, Uniformitarianism, and What the Natural Sciences Can and Cannot Disclose of the Divine Economy”
Bethany Sollereder (Oxford):
“Ecological Restoration: A Science in Need of a Theology?”